succession planning and business structure for african organisations access bank example

Access Bank Case Study: Succession Planning for African Organisations

In the last couple of days, I have been thinking about a critical aspect of organizational leadership: succession planning. The recent events at Access Bank serve as a powerful reminder that the CEO role represents an office, not an individual.

Whether a founder or senior management, every leader occupies a temporary position. Age, unforeseen circumstances, or even planned transitions will inevitably lead to a change in leadership. This concept extends beyond CEOs; even presidents and monarchs eventually leave their posts.

Effective leadership fosters an organization’s ability to thrive regardless of personnel changes. Imagine a relay race: the baton, representing the organization’s momentum, must be passed seamlessly to the next runner. Access Bank’s swift transition exemplifies this principle.

Succession planning transcends businesses. It’s relevant in life, families, communities, and even digital spaces like WhatsApp groups. Let’s learn from Access Bank’s example, not just in their leadership transition but also in their dignified handling of the late Dr. Herbert Wigwe’s passing. The Access Bank flag on the casket serves as a symbol of the organization’s enduring legacy.

For those with long term vision seeking to build organisations that would outlive their founders, let’s embrace the positive lessons offered by Access Bank. By focusing on robust succession planning, we ensure our organizations can flourish well into the future. Remember, succession planning happens over years, and not suddenly.


Your Co-Traveler,

Mister Maple