branding firm in port harcourt


Innovations start with great thinkers and a team of like minds, which takes quite some serious work to assemble, especially in the Niger Delta Region of Port Harcourt. That is the story of Olotu Square, a rare light, beaming and leading a teeming population of young people along the path of technology and innovative solutions to problems.

Olotu Square is one of the foremost innovative hubs in Port Harcourt, established to build capacity in the technology space. The brand grooms young people with various talents and skills and has made remarkable impact in just three years. Olotu Square through its work has been tackling the problem of unemployment by training young people and engaging them with projects from paying clients.


Olotu Square was established in 2016, and the name is derived from two words; Olotu which means “a champion” or “a leader of warriors” and Square which means gathering or together. The brand name Olotu Square meaning “Community of Champions” has so far lived up to its name. In the past few years, Olotu Square has become a community of Startups & Technology Developers driven by a common interest to change the narrative of the Niger Delta and Africa at large.

Olotu Square started out as a software technology company with the mission to develop software for organisations. Bruce Lucas who conceived the vision after attending an economic and youth conference in Malaysia founded the company. Intrigued by his experience in Malaysia, he was moved to implement the same initiative in his own community. After he returned home, Bruce converted his office space into a community for potential developers and aspiring young people striving towards becoming the next Zuckerberg or Elon Musk.

Barely a year after launching Olotu Square in 2016, the company gained support, endorsements and a national recognition the next year 2017. They have moved on to host two Google programs successfully that was sponsored by Google, and other training programs as well. Within that period, the hub also birthed its first Startup Gerocare, an Uber kind of solution but for healthcare delivery.

Olotu Square has grown to become a recognised indigenous hub providing business support, mentorship, incubation, and valuable business network to Startups. They continue to serve as a community for tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. The brand keeps championing different notable projects with the vision of creating a better future for the next generation.


To achieve the best Startup and Technology success stories in Africa.


They believe collaboration is the way to build the future.

They believe they can create a future where there is equal opportunity to thrive and ample resources are within the reach of everyone no matter the location.

They dream of a future where innovations reign supreme in every corner of Africa and everyone has access to different levels of support to birth their dreams.


Their work culture revolves around,

  • Honesty
  • Goodwill
  • Equality and
  • Truth


Olotu Square is committed to doing more work than talking; they are a brand to watch in the coming years.


Here is a list of what they do;

  • Trainings & Fellowships
  • Youths, Jobs & Engagements
  • Mentorship
  • Graphics, UI/UX Designs
  • Software Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Tech Systems Designs/Automation
  • IT Infrastucture Management
  • Developer/Tech Support

From our research, it is exciting to state with confidence that Olotu Square is looking forward to a great future of achievements and groundbreaking initiatives that will reverse the perception of the public on Nigerian youths in general. They have the capacity and work force to reach unimaginable heights.

Written by Nwaerema Cyprian J

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