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Written by Maple Dappa
“Declare something worthwhile at customs.”
That’s the headline for tourists visiting the beautiful Island of Palau.
Palau is the first nation on earth to change its immigration laws for the cause of environmental protection. Upon entry, visitors need to sign a passport pledge to act in an ecologically responsible way on the island, for the sake of Palau’s children and future generations of Palauans.
The pledge is of, for, and by Palau’s children. Children from all over Palau participated in the drafting of the pledge. According to the President of the Republic of Palau, Tommy Remengesau, “It is our responsibility to show our guests how to respect our island home, just as it is their duty to uphold the signed pledge when visiting.”
Palau Pledge:
“Children of Palau,
I take this Pledge,
To preserve and protect your beautiful and unique island home.
I vow to tread lightly, act kindly, and explore mindfully.
I shall not take what is not given.
I shall not harm what does not harm me.
The only footprints I shall leave are those that will wash away.”
There is much to share about the work this Island is doing to redefine tourism on their Island, but here are some quick thoughts for you.
At some point, you have to define what really matters to your business, that’s how you attract those who really matter to your business.
If all you are about is hustle and survival, this is not for you. However, if you hope to someday go beyond hustle and survival to build an amazing brand, then this is for you.
Your real target market wants to hear your story, what you represent, the problems you are solving, the value you are bringing to the table, what narrative you are changing. They want to be a part of something remarkable, lead them through your journey.
Be vocal and communicate those burning ideals that keep you going in the business. It may seem that you are crazy, but that craze is exactly what you need to stand out.
I hope you draw some inspiration from the attached images.

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Photo Credit:, google images,