Chicken Republic Nigeria


Dumo spoke emphatically while we stood inside the Chicken Republic outlet located along Peter Odili Road in Port Harcourt as he stressed how he loves their Refuel packages. You could see the expression of satisfaction on his face when he muttered, “I love them. They are the best so far as I am concerned.” His opinion was hinged on the fact that we could have a meal for less than the price at other Quick Service Restaurants. I held a smile while he spoke, of course, who wouldn’t, when I had my own pack of refuel pack of rice, salad, a drumstick, and a bottle of water, being paid for by my good friend, Dumo? The meal for both of us cost him just a fraction of what he spends at the other restaurants.

As we discussed further, he gave a description of the Chicken Republic model that I found interesting. He said, “They priced the meal just a little above the regular Bukkas and then below the pricing of the fancy restaurants.” The pricing model has been a key success factor for the brand’s refuel concept which ranges from refuel max to combo and others. In the few minutes that we stood around conversing, we lost count of the number of persons who stopped by to make a purchase. The chorus of bells, printing POS receipts and shouts of “Nice Nice” by the ever-busy staff creating a harmonious symphony of satisfied appetites and settled cashiers.

Organizations holding small meetings stop by to buy packs of food for their people, with about fifteen thousand naira, ten persons will have a really good meal for lunch. Entrepreneurs stop by for quick meetings and also grab something to eat with loose change in hands and church goers flock in droves to their various branches after church service on Sundays in a pilgrimage to satisfy appetites at affordable costs.

The strategy is indeed serving its purpose, from small organizations to middle-income earners, entrepreneurs, and those on the move.

Interestingly, Chicken Republic is strategically opening more outlets across the beautiful city of Port Harcourt and other Nigerian cities with consumers trooping in numbers. I learned they rarely drop below a benchmarked revenue across most branches. Guess what is attracting most of the customers? Aha, you get it— the REFUEL food pack!

The strategy seems to be selling out as customers leave happy with their food packs while Chicken Republic smiles to the bank. It is such an amazing love affair between the pocket of customers and their belly, influenced by Chicken Republic’s crispy and yummy meals at truly affordable prices.

As the Nigerian economy goes through a shift in the purchasing power of consumers, businesses that will keep winning are those who get their pricing right after taking care of product or service quality.

Kudos to the entire Chicken Republic crew for an idea well thought out and executed!

An increasingly popular saying goes “Chicken Republic’s Refuel Pack saves lives!”

Maple Dappa works as a brand strategist with Mapemond Limited, a foremost brand consulting agency in Port Harcourt. He is a lover of food, music and beautiful things in life.