marketing and branding company in Nigeria


Whatever you are doing with your business, there is a perception you are projecting to your customers and the market at large.
Whether you are intentional about it or not, the perception takes on wings by itself and soars.
From your service delivery to social media pages, marketing materials like flyers and others, quality of employees, the product or service quality itself, and etc, the perception is being signaled.
At Mapemond, we argue that every human is actually a brand, not only celebrities and public figures. Just that the recognized brands are those who are consciously shaping the perception they want to project.
In other words, you are a brand by default, but what branding does is to give you the power to define your identity, shape the perception you want (knowing that real perception flows from inside-out), and control the narrative significantly.
This applies to personal brands, business brands, organizations, and even city brands. Lagos is a city that is conscious of its status as a brand and with all its flaws, it keeps working hard in controlling its narrative.
Consciously working on your brand puts you on the + rating while leaving your brand to random impressions gives it a – rating.
Which circle do you belong to, + or -?
Be intentional about branding, it stands you out regardless of your size, status, or background.