getting foreign clients


We recently got our second international client and decided not to hesitate in sharing tips for those who desire to do business globally. If you are hopeful to do business at a global level someday, get your act together and be prepared for your opportunity.
Here are some tips:
1. All your arguments for not paying taxes and having clean records with the government will come back to hunt you.
Foreign organizations want to verify your legitimacy and assess your level of corporate integrity and one of the ways they do so is by requesting necessary documents endorsed by the government.
2. Get a professional website with a global outlook. A new Canadian acquaintance said to me that Mapemond seems like a top-notch firm. I asked why he said so and his answer was that the impression he got from our website.
We are at the last stage of discussions with another foreign client and our website impression convinced them to initiate talks with us.
3. Work on your Google visibility. It’s a big deal for your company to appear on Google search pages with solid content and references. Mapemond worked intensely on the Google search engine from 2019 to 2020 and the results are now coming. Create a context for your company. We weaved everything we did around brand development, brand strategy, brand marketing, etc.
4. Position as a company, not a one-man hustle. Foreign corporations are mostly B2B (business to business) oriented. You can be just two persons, but you can position yourself as a company without being deceitful or misleading.
5. Stay honest. Multinational organisations are very process-oriented and not hasty. If you lie, chances are high that you would have to tell more lies to cover previous lies and it will go on until you are busted.
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