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One of the scarcest and presumably the hardest things to find these days in Nigeria is the ‘right’ job. In fact the concept of a right job have far been erased from the minds of many and overtime people apply for any available job. Every now and then thousands of unemployed people steadily cast their net broad and wide hoping to catch a job from the deep blue sea of companies. Asides from being open to any type of job, some people would do anything to get the job.

Due to this high desperation in job search, some recruiting agencies consider it to be a money making venture thereby exploiting many job seekers. Often times, some job opportunities these recruiter present are fake and just a deceptive means of enriching themselves. So while they present irresistible job opportunities to the desperate unemployed crowd, they enlarge their pockets.  

In most occasions some job seekers are left indecisive, dangling between missing out and grabbing the seemingly life changing job offer. Several cases have been reported by victim who had the unpleasant experiences. From our research, we spotted a list of companies from the Ngcareer platform who have exploited many job seekers.

Shifting our focus away from exploiting recruiters, job seekers are also part of this as most are usually the first to strike a deal. They literally lure either the recruiting agency or the HR personnel in order to buy their favour.

With this development, it seems as though the job sector is slightly turning into a market where people trade, continuously buying and selling jobs. If things continue to play out this way we then ask the question, do the qualified ever get the jobs right for them or are the spaces sold out?

Let’s know your thoughts.

Written by Jennifer Chioma Amadi

Are you in need of dedicated hands to build your brand? We have a pool of people who are ready to work. Send us an email at wecare@mapemond.com