Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan business structure and succession planning

Valuable Brand Insights from the World’s Oldest Hotel and Business – Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan

Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan, a historic hot springs hotel in Kyoto, Japan, holds a remarkable distinction as the world’s oldest hotel and continuously operating business, as Guinness World Records confirms. With 1,317 years under its belt and 52 generations of family stewardship, we’ve gleaned fundamental lessons from this iconic establishment that all businesses should consider for long-term growth.

Lesson One: Brand Values Matter

This legendary hotel placed great emphasis on timeless principles governing its operation. Each generation had a duty to preserve and pass on these values to the next. At Mapemond, we recognize the importance of crafting enduring brand values that stand the test of time.

Lesson Two: Socio-Cultural Impact

Society’s culture significantly influences how businesses operate and perform. Japan is known for its strong socio-cultural ideologies which is a major reason why most of the oldest companies in the world are in Japan. This is why Mapemond conducts the Outclass Employability and Entrepreneurship Training, instilling the right work discipline, ethics, and culture in the next generation of young Nigerians. It is people that build companies and the most prevalent influences in society is what shape people.

Lesson Three: Think About Legacy and Succession

Over 1300 years, mind boggling! 52 generations of succession, wow! What are you doing to ensure longevity and succession in your business? Why build a business that ends with you? It’s crucial to think about transferring what you’ve built to the next generation. We encourage you to take steps to ensure your business can thrive beyond your involvement.

Lesson Four: The Importance of Maintenance Culture

Generations of this remarkable hotel have ensured its proper upkeep over the centuries. How well do you pay attention to maintaining the facilities, structures, systems, and processes of your business?

Lesson Five: Embrace Innovation

While preserving its core features like stunning views, hot springs, and prime location, this hotel has adapted to modern designs and concepts. This adaptability has allowed it to compete successfully with other hotels and tourist destinations worldwide. At Mapemond, we understand that innovation is a cornerstone of lasting success.

Brand longevity is always based on a sound vision and solid business structure. This hotel is one classic example why we are passionate about helping businesses become profitable, reputable, and enduring brands. If you would like to give your business a greater chance at standing the test of time, we would like to talk with to assess your business circumstance and make practical recommendations. Send us a message via wecare@mapemond.com
