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Have you ever purchased a product after seeing several of its adverts but in the end, it did not meet your expectation? If you have, then you must understand that deep feeling of disappointment that accompanies the irritating feeling of being played and the urge to put that brand on your blacklist of products you would never buy. What would you say went wrong; the over hyped advert or the brand itself?

Recently I had my fair share of disappointment from the dissatisfaction I got after trying a new tissue paper brand. Prior to that time, I had seen some interesting adverts on TV about this particular brand of tissue paper, bombarding its target audience with impressive visuals. Judging from the ads, you would conclude it had gained some degree of visibility in the market and based on the impressive content, from being one of the softest to being the whitest ever. All I expected was nothing but quality and didn’t bother much about its outrageous price. However, after purchasing and examining it thoroughly, I didn’t think it was worth the attention it got from me.

While I commend the brand for their striking marketing campaign that was quick to resonate deeply with most of their target audience – like me, I would hardly recommend them to anyone because their words painted an inverse image of the poor quality of the product. This oversight is not peculiar to this brand alone as there are many others who have faulted in this area. Every now and then, several brands make conscious efforts to woo potential customers with luscious promises, just to get a spot in their lives. Sadly in the end, most of these brands fail to keep to their words.

Now it is true a brand can get the attention of its target clients through remarkable marketing strategies but the chances are; it will attract a pool of customers but can hardly sustain them if the product is not up to the standard they expected. This leads us to one needful thing every company should consider before branding – Product Quality.

Quality is an irresistible attribute recognised all over the world. It knows no limit and would literally cast a spell on customers, making them flood the producer’s space just to get a product. In most countries, especially the developed ones, products are measured based on their level of quality – the higher the quality the more recognition it gets.

Product quality is a product’s ability to adequately meet the needs of users and its durability and usefulness over time. It is an essential attribute of a brand that should never be overlooked as it could serve as a guarantee for business sustainability. In the long run, product quality is a marker that determines purchasing decisions and profitability.

Quality products are unbeatable commodities in the market that most people would pay any amount to buy. A shabby product can hardly compete with a well-crafted and detailed brand. They are naturally distinguished from the crowded market like stars in a dark sky. A quality brand also builds customer’s trust and commands constant patronage.

For entrepreneurs seeking to pull the crowd to their camp, they need to first invest more time developing their product to meet the desirable standard. Don’t push your work out without dealing with the essentials. In other words, don’t brand emptiness or a substandard product.

Written by Jennifer Chioma Amadi

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