pricing your services or pricing your products


Justina sells fried yam, potatoes, plantain, and fish in her neighbourhood in the city of Port Harcourt.
She makes average revenue of NGN38, 000 daily, which amounts to NGN228,000 weekly (excluding Sundays). Her revenue in a month is approximately 900k.
There are 11 other people selling fries within that axis of the town. Some make lesser and others make higher.
Collectively, they make an estimated annual revenue of over NGN100million. Imagine how many others are in the business across the city and how much money they make.
A single client at Mapemond makes average revenue of 18million annually selling just cocktails.
We recently worked with a juice brand in reworking their business plan by laying out the numbers plainly, the founder is dazed at what is possible with her supposed small venture if she diligently focuses on putting in the work.
The challenges are enormous with building a business, but one thing we must strive to pay attention to is the numbers.
In one year of managing a restaurant brand, we have done NGN49million in revenue with NGN19million as profit, over 600% increase from past revenues.
Everything we did from brand identity to visibility to marketing to sales to the procurement of better equipment and so on was all guided by our focus on the numbers.
Regardless of size, don’t just be busy with business, pay attention to the numbers, and keep tweaking to find what works best to improve your numbers.
Study the numbers. Learn the numbers. Know the numbers.
You may not get it right immediately but stay on the right track.